Atkins up and Atkins down

by Stefan Eliel
(Tucson, Az)

Most of the comments I would have made are made above by you, Suzette, in "pros and cons."

I suggest that the Atkins diet is a great way for me to start a diet. The problem is I have never been able to transition onto another diet which works long term or, better put, modified my values to accomodate my desire to be substantially thinner.

I have never progressed beyond Atkins phase two. I usually remain on phase one for a month (not the Atkins recommended two weeks) and then proceed for another month to six weeks to phase two. Then I return to past bad eating habits and in the following three to six months regain most, and sometimes all, of the lost weight.

I would still recommend Atkins for two to three months as a fast and easy weight loser. However, knowing from the onset what to do (and doing it) after my time on Atkins is where the real problem begins (for me).

I have lost as much as thirty pounds using the Atkins method. Only four/five of these pounds are water. I use vitamins as recommended by Dr. Atkins during the period I am on the diet. I also use fibers to avoid constipation.

I agree particularly during phase one that the energy level is reduced due to the absence of carbs, however I have been able to continue my rather extensive seven day two hours per day exercise program - Atkins diet notwithstanding.

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Nov 04, 2015
Review NEW
by: assignment writing service

The Atkins eating regimen works in light of the fact that it limits all sugars constraining your body to utilize protein and fat as vitality sources. The body is constrained into a condition of ketosis. Dr. Atkins had this portion of his hypothesis right; then again, the greater part of whatever is left of it is immaculate bunk. Bunk that the sustenance business loves and frequently advances in light of the fact that the eating routine urges individuals to eat productive nourishment classifications. Long haul, such an eating routine has created kidney harm and in recorded cases it has brought about death.

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Feb 04, 2008
Jump Start
by: Suzette Kroll-Barancik, RD

I agree, Atkins can be a good way to "jump start" weight loss. Seeing fast progress is certainly motivating. Even if the first bit of weight lost is water, it's certainly motivating to get on the scale and see lower numbers and feel a little lighter.

If you're having difficulty "modifying your values to accommodate your desire to be substantially thinner," it seems to me that your energy would be better spent focusing on this area, rather than going on and off Atkins. :)

That being said (and of course you know I had to say it) I think using Atkins for a few weeks is a fine trick to keep up your sleeve for when you need it!

Keep at it and whatever you do...

Oct 29, 2015
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