Calorie Intake after Weight Loss Surgery

by Michele
(Ft Worth,TX)

How many calories should you consume daily to jumpstart weight loss a year after Weight Loss Surgery?

Hi Michele and thanks for writing.

Generally 800-1000 calories/day is recommended after roux-en-y. If you've had Lap-Band or Gastric Sleeve weight loss surgery, you can eat a little more and sticking with a 1200 calorie diet should help jump start your weight loss.

I'd suggest keeping a food journal in order to get a better handle on where extra caloires are slipping in and also to keep yourself accountable:

Lap-Band Food Journal
Gastric ByPass Food Journal

Here's a sample menu to jumpstart weight loss. (Clicking on the link will take you to my Lap-Band website. However, the menu can be used with any type of bariatric surgery. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page for the menu.)

Get back on can do it!!!

Comments for Calorie Intake after Weight Loss Surgery

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by: Meghan

Do you have a sample journal for gastric bypass patients on-line anywhere?

Gastric Bypass Food Journal
by: Suzette

Meghan, click on the link above that says "Gastric Bypass Food Journal" to see the journal online.

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