Interested in Writing
Cookbook Reviews?

Wanted: Cookbook Reviews

Calling all chefs and lovers of cooking! If you just love cookbooks in general, great. If you have a special interest in any of the following cookbook categories, you could be a specialist!

  • Lowfat Cookbooks
  • Diet Cookbooks
  • Vegetarian Cookbooks
  • Gourmet Cookbooks
  • 5 Ingredients or Less Cookbooks
  • Dessert Cookbooks
  • Regional Cookbooks
  • One-pot Cooking
  • Crockpot Cooking
  • Bread Machine Cooking
  • Cook for a Day, Eat for a Month

Or, if there's a category I haven't mentioned that you have a special interest in, I could be interested in that as well! I'm looking for people who:

  • Love to cook
  • Know how to write well (I don't want to have to edit!)
  • Can commit to at least two reviews a month

Here's what you would receive:

  • My heartfelt appreciation
  • Major exposure (Your Personal Nutrition Guide currently gets close to 600 visits per day...and growing!)
  • Your picture on my homepage

Do not apply to be a cookbook reviewer unless:

  • This would be a labor of love for you
  • You'd love knowing that lots of people are reading what you have to say!

In addition, if you have your own website or blog, I'd be more than happy to let you link from each one of your reviews to your site. You'd be building your site's exposure and link strength.

I'll be looking for cookbook reviewers that analyze thoughtfully and let readers know exactly what kind of cookbook they'll be buying. Reviews should be 500-1000 words in length.

How to apply?

If you're interested, please fill out the application below which states your location and interests along with a short writing sample. You can also provide a url to an online writing sample if you have one.

Be sure to spend some time perusing Your Personal Nutrition Guide to familiarize yourself with my content and style.

No hurt feelings!

Please know that I have very high standards and may reject a lot of great people before I find the perfect reviewers. Please don't apply if you can't take rejection! (Most writers know all about rejection!)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Please complete the challenge that you see below.


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