Need To Lose Arm Weight....Fast!

by Michele

I need to lose weight off my 5-10 pounds! I've lifted weights and even run, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

How can I lose arm fat in a week?


I know how frustrating it feels when you put in effort and don't see the results you're expecting.

You're doing all the proper exercise to tone your arms. Doing cardio (running) burns calories which is necessary to lose body fat. Weight lifting will tone your arms, but you still need to keep doing cardio to burn the fat in order to see those muscles you're building!

Make sure you're following a low calorie, well balanced diet to complement your exercise routine. Try keeping a food journal for a week to determine where excess calories may be creeping in.

It takes time to see progress. Stick with it and don't give up if you don't see the results you're hoping for in one week.


Comments for Need To Lose Arm Weight....Fast!

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Trying to lose 10 pounds
by: Anonymous

Two years ago I lost 25 pounds through diet and exercise and was able to keep the weight off for the most part (with a little fluctuation of 5 pounds every now and then). However, recently I have gained 10 pounds. I run (typically 3-6 miles a day) at least 5 days a week and do pilates twice a week. But unfortunately I have a real weakness for carbohydrates, yogurt, and especially chocolate. Do you have any suggestions to beat the cravings? Also, like many people, my excess weight accumulates on my lower stomach, bottom, and particularly the back of my thighs (despite the fact that I run). Do you have any suggestions to target burning off fat in those areas? Thanks for your help.

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