Pumpkin Seeds
Nutrition Facts

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition Facts

1 oz. (~ 1/4 cup) provides approximately:

175 calories
4 grams carbohydrate
8 grams protein
14 grams total fat (2.5 grams saturated fat)
2 grams fiber

Pumpkin Seed Nutrition

Subtly sweet, flavorful, and chewy, pumpkin seeds (also known as pepitas) are:

  • a very good source of phosphorus, magnesium and manganese
  • a good source of iron, copper, zinc and protein

Snack on a 1/4 of pepitas and you'll get:

  • 46.1% of the daily value (DV) for magnesium
  • 52.0% of the DV for manganese
  • 28.7% of the DV for iron
  • 24.0% of the DV for copper
  • 17.1% of the DV for zinc
  • 16.9% of the DV for protein

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition Tip: How to Avoid OVEREATING Pumpkin Seeds

Even though pumpkin seeds are nutritious, notice that they're quite high in calories.

In order to get the nutritional benefit without compromising your waistline, it may be best to include pumpkin seeds as part of a meal...vs. making a meal of them.

For example, sprinkle pumpkin seeds or this Pumpkin Crunch Recipe on:

  • oatmeal
  • cold cereal
  • salad
  • steamed/sauteed vegetables
  • yogurt
  • cottage cheese

If you prefer to snack on them, it's best to avoid eating directly from the bag:

  • Use a measuring cup to accurately measure a 1/4 cup portion.
  • Close the bag and put it away.

Pumpkin Seeds Nutrition: GREAT TIP to controlling pumpkin seed calories:

Buy pumpkin seeds in the shell vs. shelled seeds.

It will require more work to eat them...but that's the point!

In order to burn the calories in 1/4 cup pepitas, you'd have to:

  • walk 43 minutes
  • jog 18 minutes
  • swim 13 minutes
  • cycle 23 minutes
(Based on a 35 year old female who is 5'7" and weighs 144lbs.)

Try Pumpkin Seed BUTTER

Yes, there really IS such a thing.

Similar to peanut butter, but pricier and made from pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed butter is yet another way to enjoy the nutritional benefit of pepitas.

Pumpkin Seed Butter Nutrition Facts

Serving size: 1 Tablespoon

Per serving:

100 calories
1 gram carbohydrate
4 grams protein
10 grams total fat (2 grams saturated fat)
40 mg sodium
0 grams sugar

A great alternative for those with allergies to nuts and nut butters, such as peanuts or soy nuts and soy nut butter.

Pumpkin Seed Butter Uses

  • Spread on bagels, muffins, and pancakes
  • Spread on celery
  • Use in sandwiches: pumpkin seed butter + banana (or apple slices)
  • Substitute for other nut butters in baking
  • Use in fruit smoothies: vanilla soymilk + frozen mango + canned pumpkin + pumpkin seed butter + cinnamon.

Pumpkin Seed Nutrition: Not Just for Halloween

Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds are notorious for being consumed around Halloween, but they can (and should) be enjoyed any time of year.

Most stores sell pumpkin seeds, but it's also easy to make your own:

  • Remove seeds from pumpkin's inner cavity and wipe with a paper towel if needed to remove excess pulp.
  • Spread out evenly on a paper bag and let dry overnight.
  • Place in a single layer on a cookie sheet and lightly roast for 15-20 minutes in a 160-170ºF (about 75ºC) oven.**
  • (Roasting them for a short time at a low temperature helps preserve their healthy oils.)

**For a variation, spray the tops of the seeds with olive oil cooking spray and sprinkle with a little salt and cinnamon or with pumpkin pie spice and a little bit of sugar.

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