Schedule Personal Nutritionist
Suzette Kroll, RD

broccoli lady
Thank you for your interest in scheduling a nutrition appointment with me! I look forward to being your personal nutritionist and helping you improve your food choices, manage your weight and look and feel your best.

As with any treatment, however, there are benefits, limitations, and risks.

Benefits: Enhanced awareness of your eating habits, improvement in your food choices, weight loss, improvement in health.

Limitations and risks: No experience of change, feeling worse before feeling better, weight gain or no weight loss, no improvement in health.

My Fee

The charge for a 1 hour nutrition and diet counseling session in $75.

Unfortunately nutrition and diet counseling is not usually a benefit covered by insurance. Therefore, I do not bill insurance. However, I'd be happy to provide you a receipt if you want to try to get reimbursed on your own.

Please fill out the form below to provide me your basic information and I will contact you to set up an appointment date and time.

You will be responsible for payment of any session not canceled 24 hours in advance.

I do my very best to stay on schedule, and appointments start and end on time. If you are running late, your session will still need to end on time.

I look forward to working with you!

Suzette Kroll, RD

Personal Nutrition Counseling Appointment

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