Weight? Don't Wait!
The Weight Loss In Tucson

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Join me, Suzette, your personal nutrition guide...live and in person on Saturday January 12, 2008.

From 8am to 3pm I'll be presenting a special weight loss workshop: Weight? Don't Wait! We'll be focusing on the diet-exercise connection.

Jump start the New Year. Make your resolution a revolution.

I'm teaming up with my good friend Rhonda Zwelling, MS, a fitness expert and life coach with Bellows Consulting, to provide you a fun filled day of information and inspiration relating to nutriton, fitness and lifestyle behavior change.

Weight Loss in Tucson: Help Has Arrived!

At the end of the workshop, you'll have a better handle on how to:

  • Burn Fat and Fuel Muscle
  • Get and Stay Motivated
  • Establish an Effective Exercise Routine
  • Enjoy eating healthfully
  • Enjoy exercising regularly

As Rhonda and I like to say, you'll learn to Adjust Your Fattitude!

Get all your weight loss questions answered!

We're limiting space in order to keep the workshop intimate and personal. Fill out the form below to reserve your spot today.

You'll have the opportunity to meet others who share the same weight loss frustrations. Find youself a workout companion or grocery shopping buddy amidst the attendees.

Fill out the form below to express your interest, then we'll contact you. If you have any questions, there's space for that.

Rhonda and I look forward to hearing from you!

The At Ease Wellness Center
Location for The Weight Loss In Tucson Seminar

Weight? Don't Wait!

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