How do I lose weight on antidepressants?

by M.Y.

I've recently started taking an antidepressant about 3 months ago. I have put on several pounds fast and have a very high craving for sugar.

I have been trying to lose the weight but,it keeps comming on. I exercise at a gym
for an hour six days a week and two hours one day a week.

Any suggestions for weight loss on antidepressants?

I feel your pain! I'm sorry you're struggling.

Try taming the sugar craving by choosing lower calorie substitutes when the sugar monster raises its ugly head!

If you want to take all the guesswork out of what to eat and follow a prepared, set menu for 1-2 weeks to jumpstart weight loss, consider diet meal delivery.

I also strongly suggest food journaling for at least 1 week to get a clear picture of where the excess calories are coming from.

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