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A very low calorie diet (VLCD) plan designed to promote weight loss: 2 – 5 pounds the first two weeks, and 1-2 pounds each week thereafter. The Medifast company is a "meal" delivery service that provides you with a meal replacement diet. The Medifast drinks, soups, and bars are consumed in place of all but one meal per day and the result is typically 2-5 pounds of weight loss per week. I believe the fast in Medifast Diet stands for:
I'd personally suggest you partake only under your physician's supervision. Especially if:
How does the Medifast Diet work? Following what's called The 5 & 1 Plan
There are over 60 Medifast Diet "meals" to choose from and all you have to do is choose which ones you wouldn't mind eating and them have them delivered:
Most of the meals have ~100 calories. The "bars" are a bit higher at ~150 calories, and therefore you are limited to only 1 per day. Your "lean and green" meal should consist of:
You also can have one snack (or perhaps I should say, "snack") per day if desired:
Keeping in mind that all of the shakes, soups, and bars have ~100-150 calories, your 5 Medifast meals provide you ~500-550 calories. The choices for your lean and green meal vary, but expect they'll provide an additional ~300-450 calories. That means you'd be eating only 800-1000 calories per day. Now the "clinical" definition of a VLCD is one that supplies 800 calories or less per day. So you can see how Medifast might or might not meet the definition, depending on how you use it. Maybe that's the rationale for offering the Medifast Diet online
Regardless of whether you call it very low calorie, or simply low calorie, there's no doubt this diet provides a lot fewer calories than you were previously eating and that's why you lose weight so quickly on it! (If your head is spinning from all the talk of calories, or if the very notion of calories befuddles you, you might want to read more on why calories matter.) Quick weight loss doesn't always translate into permanent weight loss Can you imagine eating powdered meals for the rest of your life? I'm guessing probably not! The people at Medifast don't think so either and they've therefore made the effort to provide a Transition Program and a Maintenance Program, as well as moderate exercise recommendations (e.g. 30-45 minutes 5 days per week) to help assure you never again "find" the weight you've lost. Once you reach your goal weight, you'll gradually transition back to "normal food" over ~2 weeks. After that, Medifast recommends continuing to eat 1-3 Medifast meals per day as part of weight maintenance. Cost As of April, 2008:
Costs may be slightly higher when purchasing on a per-product basis. Medifast Diet Pros
Medifast Diet Cons
Potential Long Term Consequences of Following a VLCD such as Medifast:
My Professional Opinion There's no doubt you can effectively lose weight quickly using the Medifast Diet. My concern is that it's not a program that's sustainable in the long run. Research supports the use of meal replacement products as a reasonable way to lose weight, but using them to replace nearly all your meals is another story. If you choose to use Medifast, I recommend using it as a short term "jumpstart" to healthy eating. At the same time you're losing weight, you can focus on establishing healthy eating habits. I have clients who like to keep a stock of "meals" on hand for when they travel or have to grab something in a pinch. I think that's a fine way to use the Medifast products. Note: This link is supposed to lead to a Medifast "Specials" page, but as far as I can tell it defaults to their home page. PLEASE... More of My Professional Advice You May Find Useful More Diet Reviews Back to Personal Nutrition Guide Home Page Did YOU Ever Try the Medifast Diet? Tell About Your Experience!The best source of information on Medifast, is the people who have tried it. If you're one of them... Give Your Opinion On This Person's Experience!Here's what others think about this person's experience with the Medifast diet.
Works...short term
Medifast would have worked if I could stick to it!
How to Save $ on Medifast Diet
I Use the Medifast Diet to Keep My Metabolism Up and Running
Medifast Diet For the Long Haul ? I think NOT!
Medifast Diet...Amazing!
Medifast Diet Experience
Lost 20 lbs with the Medifast Diet
Currently on Medifast
Unpleasant Dieting Experience